Daily Devotion of Psalm 134
Daily Nugget: The last of the hymns sung in the Jerusalem Temple is very short. As short as it is, it shows several things about a serious believer: He wants to show God that he is happy (“blessed” — vs. 1) and content by being near his Master. We too can “bless” the Lord by being eager to obey, to worship Him, and to make Him important in our lives. He is a “servant.” He is not just a sitter, but he does what he can for the Lord (vs. 1). He made the long journey to the Temple, which shows how serious he was about hearing from the Lord and being as close to Him as he could. Worship was more important to him than what he could have done at home. Today’s believer can also show God his willing heart by being a servant and doing something for the Lord. Attending church is important, but it is not working for the Lord. It is encouragement and edification for the believer. The Christian needs to have a ministry that God has laid on his heart to do what God has shown him to do for the ...