Daily Devotion of Psalm 29

Daily Nugget: Psalm 29 is a Hebrew poem that perhaps was put to music. Their poetry is not like modern poems with rhyming words. Their poetry, as is this one, often repeats a thought from different angles. This poem is about a storm. It was not a weather anomaly sent from the fairy tale character “Mother Nature,” it was sent and controlled by Father God! Its outbursts that only God controlled got the attention of even powerful people (vs. 1). They recognized where the winds, lightning, and rains came from — God. God showed His mighty power in the torrential rains and exploding thunders (vs. 3). His voice bellowed across the countryside, letting all know of His power (vs. 4). His voice ordered the lightning to attack a tree that all admired to be strong and resilient against whatever it faced. The towering cedar fell cracked and splintered (vs. 5) on the forest floor. Even the pregnant cattle were so frightened that they gave early births (vs. 6, 9). Nature even bowed down in ...