
Showing posts from February, 2022

Daily Devotion in Psalm 150

  Read or HEAR the devotion at Daily Nugget: With all six verses of Psalm 150 praising God, it is a wonderful song to conclude the Book of Psalms. It is a reminder that we can praise Him with so many means. We can praise God with music (Psalm 150:3-6). However, verse six states that any breathing creature should also praise Him. This could include animals, reptiles, and fish. “Let every thing that hath breath praise the LORD. Praise ye the LORD.” Psalm 150:6 Since we do not know the minds of God’s other creatures, how do we not know that they also have an understanding that there is something greater than they to whom they owe their gratitude? Could it be that my Labrador happily running among the snowflakes is grateful in her own way for the crisp, clear day that the Lord has given her? Perhaps, the trumpeting call of an elephant in the early morning is not just summoning his companions, ...

Daily Devotion in Psalm 149

  HEAR the devotion and KJV chapter at . Daily Nugget: “Praise ye the LORD. Sing unto the LORD a new song, and his praise in the congregation of saints.” Psalm 149:1  Read also: Psalm 33:3, 40:3, 96:1, 98:1, 144:19. Although focuses are different in New and Old Testament times, both involved living by faith. When putting faith and obedience in God, something similar happened to Old Testament saints as it does for believers today. All had/have a “new song” in their lives. All became different people.  New goals, desires, and allegiances proved they were children of God. All that are born-again today certainly are not perfect. Still, they all should be able to testify that they are not the same person they were before salvation. When Jesus becomes one’s Saviour, the Holy Spirit indwells the believer. The Holy Spirit is just that; it is Holy, and it wants the new child of God to st...

Daily View Devotion in Psalm 148

  HEAR the devotion at Daily Nugget: “Praise” is mentioned many times in the book of Psalms. Although the subject is mentioned in 64 chapters in the book and 132 times, it is most used in Psalm 148. “Praise” is mentioned eight times in this chapter. It is important to God that you praise Him. I learned a long time ago if you hear or read something from God, pay attention. If you hear it more than once, you better be doing what you are shown. If God says “praise” as many times as He has said it in this Psalm, you had better be giving it your undivided attention and make it a priority in your life. Praise God: For His mightiness and creation that is unseen by us, including His Heaven, angels, and the multitudes with Him (Psalm 148:1-2). For His incredible creation that is too vast for our eyes and imagination, including the sun, moon, stars, and things that are higher than th...

Devotion in Psalm 147

  HEAR the devotion at Daily Nugget: All, especially the children of God, certainly have all the reasons in the world to praise our holy God. Nothing escapes His knowledge, and there is nothing He will not handle unless it is His will. We see much of what God has done throughout the Bible, especially in the Psalms. This chapter reminds the hymn singer of what He has done and does. God: Rebuilds up that which is broken. (Psalm 147:2, 3). Knows about everything in the universe He created and is in control of all He has made (Psalm 147:4, 5, 9, 15-18). “He telleth the number of the stars; he calleth them all by their names.” Psalm 147:4 Blesses whom He will and hinders those doing wrong (Psalm 147:6, 8, 11, 13, 20). We look around, and much of what we see and hear appears to be out of control, but it is not. God knows exactly what is going on, and He is in total control. We may not...

Daily Devotion in Psalm 146

  Daily Nugget: “Put not your trust in princes, nor in the son of man, in whom there is no help.” Psalm 146:3 Most look for their country’s leaders to bring change, prosperity, safety, and peace to their nation. In my lifetime, two American leaders have improved those situations. Presidents Reagan and Trump are those leaders, but their love and help for their country are only temporary. Others followed that have not America’s best interest in their decision-making. Politicians (“princes”) will always let many down because they are only human, have their agendas, and often make mistakes. However, One wants to be a leader in everyone’s life. He is not concerned with one’s race, sex, financial credibility, or history. He wants to be the trusted Leader in everyone’s life. The One that wants what is best for you is none other than the holy God of Heaven. As mighty as He is, God is concerned and cares for everyone. There is nothing He can gain from any of us...