Daily Devotion in Psalm 44
Daily Nugget: Psalm 44, when outlined, shows steps a believer should take when he finds himself without God’s help. He may find himself at the business end of God’s wrath because of his disobedience to God’s commandments, but there is usually hope for God’s renewed assistance. Once again, there can be rekindled fellowship between a wayward believer and a Holy God. The steps a believer must take are apparent in the chapter: 1) The believer must know/hear (vs. 1) what God is capable of doing:( (vss. 1-3, 7).i) What God has done in the past and how he dealt with the ungodly (vs. 2). (a) That God afflicted them (vs. 2). (b) That God cast them out of where they dwelt (vs. 2) ii) That God often delivers people but not by their hand (vs.3). iii) God hel...