
Showing posts from November, 2021

Daily Devotion in Psalm 104

  Daily Nugget: Psalm 104 is a Hebrew hymn restating the Genesis account of creation. It reminds the Psalm’s singer of what God created in this universe and on Earth in the six days. Here, the God of creation is given credit for His wonderful works in those days. God’s creation of light (Genesis 1:2) is mentioned, as are all the following summarized five days of what He did. The God-deniers and God-haters, of course, deny God’s account and resort to their theories of “accidental” developments of all the amazing wonders we have on this Earth and in the skies. All the evolutional “accidents” modern “science” claims to be the result of all on this Earth have never been proven, and the theories are constantly changing. Still, those ideas are believed by most.  In recent decades, a new scare tactic has been forced down the throats of a gullible public. It is an attempt to convince people that this planet will soon be uninhabitable or destroyed. This chapter refu...

Daily Devotion in Psalm 103

  Daily Nugget: Of all God has done for us, one of His accomplishments is the most appreciated — eventually. There would be no hope for any of us if it were not for that attribute. If it were not for His ability to forgive us of our sins, we would all be fearful of the eternity in the Lake of Fire that would await us. “Who forgiveth all thine iniquities; who healeth all thy diseases; 4 Who redeemeth thy life from destruction; who crowneth thee with lovingkindness and tender mercies;” Psalm 103:3-4 We can receive that excellent gift of forgiveness, not because of something we did or could do. We can receive God’s gift only because He is merciful. Although He knows of our sins, He often forgives what we have done and to waive the repercussions we deserve. He can heal all that ask and trust of their sin sickness (“… who healeth all thy diseases…” — Psalm 103:3).  God’s forgiveness is all-encompassing. God: Paid for (“redeemed”) our sins with the shed blood of His only s...

Daily Devotion in Psalm 102

Daily Nugget: In the first eleven verses of Psalm 102, the psalmist laments the trials and tribulations he endured. As did the writer of this hymn, we all face hardships, so we all can relate to his frustration and discouragement. Our days on this Earth are comparatively short. Life is like a wisp of smoke (Psalm 102:3.), short-lived, and often carried away by prevailing winds. Our heart gets broken; our problems weigh heavy on our minds (Psalm 102:4). Enemies attack us (Psalm 102:8). Indeed, this is not Heaven, as some foolish people have proclaimed. Sin has done its havoc to all on this planet. However, the songwriter gives us hope by using one word that means all can change. That word is “but” (Psalm 102:12). This life can be challenging and often scary, BUT it will all change one day. When Christ returns to rule and reign for 1,000 years, things will be different. He will have mercy on those living, including those in Jerusalem (Psalm 102:13). The city...

Daily Devotion in Psalm 101

  Daily Nugget: “I will behave myself wisely in a perfect way. O when wilt thou come unto me? I will walk within my house with a perfect heart.” Psalm 101:2 Successful people often reveal how they obtained so many achievements and victories. David did just that in Psalm 101. He accomplished what he did, not because of his wealth and powerful position. David attained so much because he behaved himself “wisely in a perfect way” (Psalm 101:2). In this Scripture, “perfect” was not referring to sinlessness. “Perfect” in this context means “moral, upright, sincere, undefiled.” The leader of Israel tried his best, although he did fall several times, to live the way that was pleasing to the Lord. David revealed several ways he kept from falling even more than he did.  If David had television in his day, there would have been many programs he would not have watched. He protected his eyes from seeing the wrong things (Psalm 101:3). He may not hav...

Daily Devotion in Psalm 100

Daily Nugget: “Serve the LORD with gladness: come before his presence with singing.” Psalm 100:2 What a promising, hope-filled life a Christian should be leading. On so many faces, however, one would never know it.  One looks into the eyes of many Christians, and the joy of being a born-again believer is not seen. Watch their lives, and one will notice little difference between how they live and how the unsaved behave. Listen to their speech, and one will notice that there is so slight a variance between what they say and what the lost say. The “gladness” spoken of in Psalm 100:2 is missing in their lives. They have either forgotten about it, never knew it, or may not be a born-again believer. If they are saved, the reality that they are a child of God has not become a life-changing experience in their lives, and it should. Christian, remember that you have God’s promise of Heaven. The unsaved can never have that assurance. Grasp that you have an...

Daily Devotion in Psalm 99

Daily Nugget: “The LORD reigneth; let the people tremble: he sitteth between the cherubims; let the earth be moved.” Psalm 99:1 Psalm 99 gives readers a glimpse of Jesus’ millennial reign, as did Psalm 97. We read more of His power and His governorship over the people. He will be a leader that has the full attention and respect. We see that Jesus: Will sit on a throne that has either real cherubims on either side of Him or statues of them (Psalm 99:1). Cherubims are two-winged creatures. Likenesses of them adorned the Mercy Seat, where God sat in the Tabernacle and the Jerusalem Temple. Will govern the entire Earth (Psalm 99:1). His subjects will quake (“moved”) at His orders and direction. Will dwell and rule from Jerusalem (“Zion” — Psalm 99:2). Will be exalted (“high”) among all the people on Earth (Psalm 99:2). Has a name that is Holy (Psalm 99:3). If only people today would have such regard for Jesus’ name and utter it with respect and not so vainly....

Daily Devotion in Psalm 98

Daily Nugget: “A Psalm. O sing unto the LORD a new song; for he hath done marvellous things: his right hand, and his holy arm, hath gotten him the victory.” Psalm 98:1 Those in the Old Testament did not have Jesus to follow and could not trust His shed blood to cover their sins. However, their behavior and beliefs changed when they turned to and trusted God.  Today, similar changes also occur in those that have been saved. Their lives will change. They will sing a “new song,” rather than the previous cry of hopelessness and their moaning from the burden of sins that bound and robbed them of their joy. A born-again child of God has so many “new things” and changes when they trust Christ as their personal Saviour. Some of the “new” changes in their lives are: A new joy , happiness, and purpose. Being born-again is wonderful. It comes with new chances in life with great joy and happiness. “O sing unto the LORD a new song: sing unto the LORD, all the eart...

Daily Devotion in Psalm 97

Daily Nugget: Psalm 97 is accredited to Jesus’ futuristic, millennial (1,000 years) reign. Now God reigns from above, but there will be a time when Jesus rules from a throne in Jerusalem. “The LORD reigneth; let the earth rejoice; let the multitude of isles be glad thereof.” Psalm 97:1 This Psalm gives an amazing picture of the power and majesty Jesus will have when He reigns on this Earth. Today, too many view the Lord with little respect and honor. However, after reading the description of the power and might He will have one day, it certainly should change how many see the Lord. We read that at that time, the: Lord should make even those in faraway lands (“isles”) glad (Psalm 97:1). Finally, the Earth will have a worthy ruler. Lord’s throne will be a fearsome place surrounded by clouds and darkness (Psalm 97:1). Lord will judge righteously from His throne (Psalm 97:2). Lord will have fire before Him, and it will destroy His enemies (Psalm 97:3). This v...

Daily Devotion in Psalm 95

  Daily Nugget: Christians too often get so encumbered with the cares of this world that they forget who they are and what they have. They have the promise of Heaven, a caring heavenly Father, His guidance and protection, hope, blessings none of us deserve, and we know God’s truths (or should). With all we have, we still forget we are on the winning side and how good God is to us. The well-known Psalm 95:1 is an encouraging eraser for the “woe is me” or “everything is so terrible in my life” attitudes. That verse suggests that instead of complaining, we should “sing” to the Lord. “O come, let us sing unto the LORD: let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation.” Psalm 95:1 “Sing,” besides singing a song, means to shout aloud for joy, cry out, be joyful, rejoice, and triumph. The negative poor-mouthing we often utter spurns defeat quickly and robs one of hope. However, if we find something to be joyful about and exclaim the victories we have gotten, our attitude ...

Daily Devotion in Psalm 94

  Daily Nugget: Psalm 94, and many others, ask the same question. They wonder how long are the wicked going to get away with their sin? We see and hear so many in blatant disregard to God’s moral laws and His desired behaviors. It is often wondered how some get away with the terrible things they are doing. “LORD, how long shall the wicked, how long shall the wicked triumph?” Psalm 94:3 The answer is, they will not get away with sin. The payday for iniquity will come someday. It may be today; it may be ten years from now. They may appear unscathed by their wrong-doing in this life. However, we have God’s promise that in the next, they will stand before a judge, who will issue a verdict they will fear and which will cause them to regret their past actions. As I told many Sunday school classes, no one gets away with sinning against God. True to that biblical promise, I have seen many sinners pay the price for their wrong-doing that they never thought they...

Daily Devotion in Psalm 93

  Daily Nugget: When reading of current events, seeing how society is morally declining, and hearing of one tragedy after another, it can be very discouraging. It sometimes seems chaos surrounds us and is gaining a foothold closer to us each day. Politicians, particularly liberals, are no longer backing common sense and the apparent betterment of those they represent. Public education also seems to enforce and encourage their charges to grasp their godless theories and thinking. A media that was once expected to expose the truth and help preserve law-abiding has also accepted and joined to move society against godly behavior and force their philosophies on the public. Too often, it seems there is little order and only destruction on society’s horizon. Hope for a promising future appears to be disappearing daily. Stop right there! Be not deceived. As the beginning words of a hymn remind us, “The Lord reigneth.” Most of us do not understand why such changes in soc...

Daily Devotion in Psalm 92

Sorry, I missed a week of devotions.  I am still having difficulties with an infection from an in-office procedure.  Prayerfully, I will be able to consistently continue with the devotions.  —  Bill Brinkworth Daily Nugget: Although this song was attended to be sung on the Sabbath, today’s believers who now worship on Sunday also need to practice what this Psalm teaches. We need to be thankful for all God has done and will do for us. “A Psalm or Song for the sabbath day. It is a good thing to give thanks unto the LORD, and to sing praises unto thy name, O most High:” Psalm 92:1 We are quick to ask for help and blessings from God, but we are lax in being grateful for what He has done. Thank him for what He has accomplished through the day (Psalm 92:2). Be happy for the victories He has allowed you to have (Psalm 92:4). God is good, and we would have nothing if it were not for His wondrous works in our lives (Psalm 92:5). Unfortunately, many take...

Daily Devotion in Psalm 91

  Daily Nugget: Many Christians are more fearful than they should be. A child of the King should never fret or worry because nothing can happen to him unless God allows it for the person’s or other people’s betterment. Our Lord is: Our safety and protection (Psalm 91:2, 9) “I will say of the LORD, He is my refuge and my fortress: my God; in him will I trust.” Psalm 91:2 Our protector from life’s traps that will get us to fail (Psalm 91:3). Our protector from life’s storms (Psalm 91:4). Our source of truth (Psalm 91: 5). Our protector from what scares us (Psalm 91:5-6). Our protector from the attacks of our enemies (Psalm 91:5-7). Our protector from health problems (Psalm 91:6, 10). Our protector from evil (Psalm 91:10-12). Our protector from danger (Psalm 91:14-15). Our rewarder (Psalm 91:15-16). One born into the family of God by the spiritual birth (John 3:3) has nothing to fear. You are safe in the hands of your heavenly Father. Frightening situations will occur to all...

Daily Devotion in Psalm 90

  Daily Nugget: Many people, especially those in the field of education, have created their own “science” about how the Earth came into existence. They also have made social standards for how they believe we should live. However, God allowed this prayer of Moses to reveal how all on Earth were created. Knowing the truth, our future and our lives can be different and more fulfilled.  Moses revealed: We have a place to live on this planet because of God (Psalm 90:1). It was not the result of some “big bang” somewhere and sometime in outer space. We have a dwelling place because of God. God was here before the Earth was formed (Psalm 90:2). Man was created from the dust of the Earth, and his body will return to it the same way (Psalm 90:3). Also: Eccl. 12:7. Time means so much to man, as it is limited and precious, but it does not to God who has eternity (Psalm 90:4-6). God sees all we do, and when we violate what He desires of us, His anger can be poured out ...

Daily Devotion in Psalm 89

  Daily Nugget: Although many of the Psalms are prophetic, many can be applied to today’s Christian walks. Many of them have an application for the time it was written. Psalm 89 reminded Israel of what God has done and will do for them. God is merciful (Psalm 89:1-2). God is faithful (Psalm 89:1-2, 5, 8, 24). God has made a promise with King David, and He will keep it (Psalm 89:3, 4, 20-29, 34-37, 49). “I have made a covenant with my chosen, I have sworn unto David my servant, 4 Thy seed will I establish for ever, and build up thy throne to all generations. Selah.”Psalm 89:3-4 God is unique (Psalm 89:6). God is powerful and deserves to be reverenced Psalm 89:7, 8). God is in control of all the Earth (Psalm 89:9-13) and its inhabitants. God is just (Psalm 89:14, 30-33). God is a blessing to those that walk the way He commands (Psalm 89:15-17). God is the protector of His people (Psalm 89:18). God is the King of His people Psalm 89:18). God is kind (Psalm 89:33, 49). God wi...

Daily Devotion in Psalm 88

  Daily Nugget: Many Psalms start with the writer lamenting his troubles but end with remedies or help with his afflictions. Psalm 88 begins with gloom and ends with it as well. Apparently, the writer had a serious affliction since his youth (Psalm 88:15). Because of it, he faced: Many troubles and trials (Psalm 88:3) What seemed to be death looming over him (Psalm 88:3). Either he or others thought he was headed to Hell (“Sheol”) because the wrath of God seemed to be poured out on him Psalm 88:4-7, 16-17). Drained strength (Psalm 88:4). Abandonment by friends (Psalm 88:8, 18). Attitudes of disgust by others over his condition (Psalm 88:8). Lack of being able to get around (Psalm 88:8). Depression because of his affliction (Psalm 88:9). Through all the psalmist’s tribulations, he cried (Psalm 88:1) and prayed to His God (Psalm 88:9, 13-14). He begged for God’s intervention, but it seemed none arrived. He was at the point that he thought he had to wait for death to re...