Daily Devotion in Psalm 104
Daily Nugget: Psalm 104 is a Hebrew hymn restating the Genesis account of creation. It reminds the Psalm’s singer of what God created in this universe and on Earth in the six days. Here, the God of creation is given credit for His wonderful works in those days. God’s creation of light (Genesis 1:2) is mentioned, as are all the following summarized five days of what He did. The God-deniers and God-haters, of course, deny God’s account and resort to their theories of “accidental” developments of all the amazing wonders we have on this Earth and in the skies. All the evolutional “accidents” modern “science” claims to be the result of all on this Earth have never been proven, and the theories are constantly changing. Still, those ideas are believed by most. In recent decades, a new scare tactic has been forced down the throats of a gullible public. It is an attempt to convince people that this planet will soon be uninhabitable or destroyed. This chapter refu...