
Showing posts from June, 2021

Daily Devotion in Revelation 22

Daily Nugget: Revelation 22, the last chapter of the Bible, continues from the previous chapter. More details are revealed about the New Jerusalem. The additional facts show that: There is a river or life there (Revelation 22:1-2). There is the tree of life there (Revelation 22:2). The curse of sin will be gone. We will see the face of God (Revelation 22:4). We will have His name on our foreheads (Revelation 22:4). There will be no need for artificial light (Revelation 22:5). As the Bible and our brief glimpse of the end days conclude, one can reflect on how important all the words are in the Word of God. This study certainly is not detailed with only a 500-800 word explanation. However, the reader can see how interlaced and prophetic all the scriptures are. Even from early Old Testament days, hundreds of prophetic passages give us a more detailed picture of what Revelation says will happen in the last days. If one word of God’s Word is altered, meaning...

Daily Devotion in Revelation 21

View NEW Facebook Video: Heaven or Hell? at AND share! (Please turn on the sound.) There are so many headed to Hell. You CAN help them! Daily Nugget: The Word of God started with a book of new beginnings — Genesis. It finishes with an end to the old, sin-stained Earth and a new beginning for a new world in Revelation 21.  The first Earth will be “passed away” (Revelation 21:1). II Peter 3:10 tells us that the old Earth and its contents will perish by fervent heat (Also: Matthew. 24:35, Isaiah 65:17, Daniel 2:44). The planet will still exist (Revelation 21:24), as the redeemed and restored Israel will dwell on it. They will have a new beginning in the new world, without the plague that ruined the first Earth — sin! A new home for the saved will descend from Heaven (Revelation 21:2). It will be the New Jerusalem and will most likely be the habitation of those who trusted Christ as Saviour (Rev...

Daily Devotion in Revelation 20

  View NEW Facebook Video: Heaven or Hell? at AND share! (Please turn on the sound.) There are so many headed to Hell. You CAN help them! Daily Nugget: Much happens in the 15 verses of Revelation 20. It described some of the most awaited events. These include: Satan being bound for 1,000 years (Revelation 20:2). The 1,000-year reign of Christ on Earth. The temporary release of Satan (Revelation 20:3, 7-8). The destruction of many that Satan will deceive during his final rampage (Revelation 20:9). And a third inhabitant of the Lake of Fire will be thrown into his permanent abode – Satan (Revelation 20:10)! The most frightening event in the whole Bible, for too many, is also foretold in this chapter. It will be the Great White Throne Judgment (Revelation 20:11). The saved believers and Israel were previously judged, so this will not be for them. This judgment is for the lost and unrighteous only! All the...

Daily Devotion in Revelation 19

Daily Nugget: After judging the spiritual and financial Babylon, two more important events will occur in Revelation 19. These incidents have been talked about and have anxiously been awaited since Christ went back to Heaven. The first event will be the Marriage of the Lamb (Revelation 19:7). The husband will be Jesus, and the “wife” will be the saved from the time after Jesus to those that were raptured up (I Thessalonians 4:16-18) before the seven-year tribulation started (Revelation 4:1). The saved, the real “church,” will be arrayed in the righteousness they have done for Christ Revelation 19:8, Philippians. 3:9). The wedding will be followed by the Marriage Supper of the Lamb (Revelation 19:9). The wedding will not include Old Testament saints, as they are referred to as the bridegroom's friends. Another, and certainly not a joyous event, will be the largest battle that has ever occurred on Earth. It will be the Battle of Armageddon (Revelation 16:16). The returning Jesus wi...

Daily Devotion in Revelation 18

Artwork from a 1611 KJV Daily Nugget: In Revelation 18, an angel makes a shocking announcement. He announces that “… Babylon the great is fallen…” (Revelation 18:2). In one hour, the city was decimated. All she sold and made were lost. Twenty-seven products (Revelation 18:12-13) she was noted for selling to the world will all be destroyed. Losses most likely will bankrupt many business people. The financial world will be devastated, and many will mourn their financial loss (Revelation 18:18-19). Many commentators have tried to answer the question, “Where is this financial Babylon?” The reasoning is that spiritual Babylon was destroyed by those who hated her (Revelation 17:16). The “Babylon” that is destroyed in one hour may be another city. Many writers and preachers believe that it most likely is the restored, original Babylon that is currently found in Hillah, Iraq. Many have tried to rebuild the once enormous city that was at least 15 miles on each of its four sides through...

Daily Devotion in Revelation 17

Daily Nugget: In Revelation 17, John was shown another judgment, the judgment of the great “whore” (Revelation 17:1). A prostitute sells her body for money. This “whore” does not sell her body but sells the beliefs and principles she should have for wealth, power, and popularity. Many have ideas of who “she” might be among past and present organizations that fit this chapter’s descriptions. However, no one will ever really know who “she” is until her identity is very clear in the last half of the seven-year tribulation. We do not need to make many assumptions, as the Bible reveals some facts describing “her.” She is identified in this chapter as: One who sits, or controls, many “waters” (Revelation 17:1). The “waters” are identified as multitudes, peoples, and nations of different languages (Revelation 17:15). She will have authority over many people. “Mystery, Babylon the Great, the Mother of harlots and abominations of the earth” (Revelation 17:5). Babylo...

Daily Devotion in Revelation 16

Daily Nugget: John’s report returns in Revelation 16 to the seven angels in Heaven. He tells how the angels, one by one, will step to their position and pour vials of the wrath of God on the Earth. The first will pour his vial. Grievous sores will develop on men who have taken the beast’s mark of 666 and those who worshiped his idol (Revelation 16:2). This plague is like the sixth torment Moses used to inflict on the Egyptians (Exodus 9:8-12). When the second angel pours out his vial upon the sea, it will become blood, and all that remains in the sea will die. It is similar to the plague of the second trumpet in Revelation 8:8-9. The third angel’s vial shall be poured out on rivers and water supplies, and they will become blood (Revelation 16:4). This is a repeat of the first plague Moses was used to impose on the Egyptians (Exodus 7:19-24). A fourth angel will pour his vial upon the sun. Men will be scorched from the sun’s great heat (Revelation 16:8) prophesied in ...

Daily Devotion in Revelation 15

Daily Nugget: Before seven more angels release the last seven plagues on the Earth (Revelation 15:1, 6-7), another heavenly event will occur according to Revelation 15. The once quiet, still “sea of glass” that is before God’s throne (Revelation 15:4:6) will become mingled with shimmering fire and many more martyred tribulation saints. This crowd before God’s throne will be the victors (Revelation 15:2) from the beast’s earthly control, his blasphemous idol, and his mark of 666. Since there will be no way to get out of the beast’s religious control alive and not receive his brand, they got the “victory” by being killed. In man’s eyes, their refusal of the beast’s commandments will be a death sentence and certainly not a “victory, but in God’s eyes, it will be the right decision. Receiving the mark and worshiping the beast’s image will be a sentence of eternal torment (Revelation 4:11); refusing the mark for God’s sake will indeed be a “victory.” Today, when Christians make a stan...

Daily Devotion in Revelation 14

Daily Nugget: In Revelation 14, John sees Jesus standing on Mount Sion (Revelation 14:1). It is not the earthly Mount Zion, but the one spoken of by Paul (Hebrews 12:22-23). It is in the heavenly Jerusalem. With Jesus on this Mount stands a large group. It will be the 144,000 introduced in Rev. 7:3-8. These Jewish, 144,000 virgin males (Revelation 14:4) will have been martyred for their testimony and witness on Earth. They are in Heaven with the “elders,” hear the songs sung, and are the only ones that can also sing the songs (Revelation 14: 3). These martyrs are considered the “firstfruits unto God and to the Lamb” (Jesus). The “firstfruits” of the church have already been raptured up. These are the “firstfruits” of the restored, believing Israel. Another activity is also occurring in the heavenlies. Angels announce other judgments on the inhabitants of the Earth. The third of the angels will proclaim God’s wrath upon those on Earth (Revelation 14:10-11) that gave in and allowed the ...

Daily Devotion in Revelation 13

Daily Nugget: An unholy character, the dragon (Satan), has already been prophesied to be involved in the last days from the previous chapter (Revelation 12:3, 9). This enemy of God and man has little imagination and often counterfeits what God has done. Satan will do this when he creates, not a holy trinity as is God, but an unholy one. This “dragon” will set himself up as the anti-god of the “trinity.” Two more of his wicked companions are introduced in this chapter. Satan will provide the second part of his threesome by bringing on the scene the antichrist. This antichrist will be the political “beast” of Revelation 13:1. He will get his power and position from Satan (Revelation 13:2). He will suffer a fatal wound and come back to life (Revelation 13:3), duplicating the supernatural resurrection of the two witnesses, and of course, Jesus. Although the antichrist will deceive many into thinking his power comes from God, it does not. It will come from Satan (Revelation 13:2). This fi...

Daily Devotion in Revelation 12

Artwork from a 1611 KJV Daily Nugget: In Revelation 12, two principal characters during the last three-and-a-half years of the seven-year tribulation are revealed. The first is “… a woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet…” (Rev. 12:1). This “woman” is not the church, as some believe, because the church will already have been raptured (Revelation 4:1). Ensuing verses describe more clearly who “she” is (Revelation 12:10-12, 17). The “woman” is Israel. Israel has been called a “woman” many times, including Isaiah 50:1, Jeremiah 3:1, Hosea 2:1-23. Also, the lineages of Israel were how the promised “man child,” Jesus, was brought to this world, as was stated in verse 5. It will be Jesus who will rule the nations with an unwavering and just “rod of iron” (Revelation 12:5). The second character to appear is the “great red dragon” (Revelation 12:3), Satan (Revelation 12:9). “Seven heads and ten horns, and seven crowns upon his heads” speak of his earthly dominion an...

Daily Devotion in Revelation 11

Artwork from  1611 KJV Prior to the sounding of the seventh trumpet (Revelation 11:15), John was instructed to measure the temple of God. Herod’s temple was destroyed by Titus in A. D. 70, 25 years previous to John’s revelation. What is referred to here is not Herod’s temple, but a future temple that will be constructed in those days. This is one thing the Jews have been waiting for for so long. Currently, there is no temple in Jerusalem, but there will be one day — hopefully, soon. Before the sounding of the seventh trumpet (Revelation 11:15), John was instructed to measure the temple of God. Titus destroyed Herod’s temple in A. D. 70, 25 years previous to John’s revelation. What is referred to here is not Herod’s temple but a future temple that will be constructed in the last days. This is one thing the Jews have been waiting for a long time. Currently, there is no temple in Jerusalem, but there will be one day — hopefully, soon. The “angel,” mostly likely Jesus spoke of in Rev...

Daily Devotion in Revelation 10

Daily Nugget: After the catastrophes resulting from the blowing of the sixth trumpet, a curious event occurs in Revelation 10. A little book was taken from Heaven to Earth by an “angel.”  There are many ideas of whom that “angel” will be. Many believe it to be Jesus. Here are some of the reasons why: If you believe the “angel” that Moses met at the burning bush (Exodus 3:2) to be the pre-incarnate Christ, then that was at least one instance that Jesus was referred to as an angel. No other angel in the Bible has ever been described how this “angel” was in Revelation 10:1-4. Many of the descriptions of this “angel” sound like words used to refer to Jesus in other scriptures. These include: “lion” and other words describing His brilliant appearance (Revelation 10:1) and His speech (Revelation 10:3-4). The angel will have in his hand an opened book (Revelation 10: 2). Since Jesus will have previously opened the book's seals in Heaven, the book would now be open. It...

Daily Devotions in Revelation 9

Daily Nugget: The last seal judgment will be lengthened as it includes seven trumpet judgments. The fifth and sixth trumpets are sounded in this chapter. After the fifth angels sounds his instrument, a “star” falls from heaven (Rev 9:1). The “star” is most likely an angel as verse two addresses the creature as a “he”. In Job 38:7, angels are also referred to as “stars”.  The last seal judgment will be lengthened as it includes seven trumpet judgments. The fifth and sixth trumpets are sounded in Revelation 9. After the fifth angel sounds his instrument, a “star” falls from Heaven (Revelation 9:1). The “star” is most likely an angel as verse two addresses the creature as a “he”. Also, in Job 38:7 angels are referred to as “stars.”  That angel opens the bottomless pit (Revelation 9:2) and releases demonic “locusts”. Although that plague on the earth will be like the locust plague of Moses’ day (Exodus 10:13), these creatures look much different from a...