Daily Devotion in James 5

Daily Nugget: As James concluded his letter, he gave his readers some spiritual advice. Most likely his advice was to halt practices that were going on in the lives of Christians then. His spiritual council included: That certain rich men, mostly likely unsaved (James 5:1-6), used their power and finances to take advantage of those they employed. James scolded them and told them their ill-gotten wealth was corrupted. God’s hand of blessing was not on them because of their atrocious behavior. Encouragement to Christians that they needed to be patient, as the Lord would someday return (James 5:7-8). Even during those times, early Christians expected the Lord to return. Like those people, all we can do is wait patiently and work until He comes. Not to hold grudges against others (James 5:9-11) — especially Christians. Not to swear. Although no one should utter filthy language, that is not the type of swearing it refers to here. James told these peopl...