Daily Devotional in Matthew 27

Daily Nugget: Many of the details of the most important event in human history are outlined here in Matthew 27. It is the event that had to happen to give all the opportunity to see and live with God forever. This event was the death of God’s only begotten son, Jesus. Jesus’ death had to happen. In God’s plan, it was the only way anyone’s sins could be paid for. Our “good” works, religious ceremonies, and obeying tradition cannot pay for one sin we have done, let alone the countless number we have committed. The only payment acceptable to God for our sins was the sacrificial death of His son. Jesus’ death on the cross was not for anything He had done, but for what all mankind’s iniquities. Although Jesus was God’s son, the pain and suffering He encountered were not lessened. Here is a list of some of what Jesus suffered when He went to the cross for our sins: He was bound (Mat. 27:2). He was betrayed (vs. 3). He was falsely accused (vs. 12). He was unjustly convicted. He w...