Daily Devotion of Proverbs 11

Daily Nugget: In most of Proverbs 11, one will find the results that come from a good character trait or action. In the same verse, one will read about the consequences when the opposite is done. Good versus bad behaviors are not thought about much. After seeing how this Proverb puts the consequences of wrong actions plain and simple, one will realize even more the accuracy of the wisdom of God. One bit of advice in Proverbs 11:14 has protected many from making wrong decisions and can be guideline wisdom for future choices. This proverb is about seeking counsel (advice). “Where no counsel is, the people fall: but in the multitude of counsellors there is safety.” Proverbs 11:14 The excellent advice when making life changes or choices is not to decide on your own. Seek multiple discernments that you can trust and are from those experienced in the area you are seeking sound advice. There is usually safety in numbers. One of the keys to getting good direction is seeking it from...