If They Would Read the Bible.

"So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God." Romans 10:17

One of the most powerful, guiding, and life-changing books ever written is the Bible (KJV). If people would just read it, believe it, and obey it, this world would be much different. Here are some of the things that would change.
  • More people would be saved and trust God’s only way to Heaven.
  • There would be less sin. Iniquities that were tolerated by society would no longer be accepted and practiced. Crime would diminish. Fear would be less; as citizens would feel safer. People would want to do right!
  • Fewer laws would be needed; as people would have God’s laws instilled in them and be eager to obey them! People would naturally be more considerate of others, and be good, honest citizens. Many of the governmental departments would no longer be wanted or necessary!
  • Jail expansion would not be necessary. Fewer police, welfare, and government jobs would be needed. (Maybe that is one reason the government is putting so much pressure on Bible believers.)
  • There would be less heartache and fewer ruined broken lives.
  • Bible-believing and Bible-obeying churches would be full and expanding.
  • Churches that teach the doctrines and traditions of man would be empty. Preachers that did not believe or preach the whole Word of God would be looking for honest jobs because people would know what the Bible’s truth was and would refuse to listen to the false teachings spewed out by unbiblical preachers.
  • Cults would whither up and no longer spread their false teachings.
  • God would be pleased! He would bless the world much more if His people were aligned with Him, rather in rebellion to Him.

Sound utopian? Yes, it does, but the Word of God is powerful. Obedience to it has changed countless lives. Because of obeying God’s commands: drunks have become sober; angry people have lost their rage; wife and children abusing husbands and fathers have become wonderful fathers and husbands; adulterers have become faithful, loyal spouses; criminals have become outstanding citizens; liars have become honest; thieves have become honest, and given back what they had stolen; God-haters have fallen in love with God and faithfully obeyed Him. There is no life that would not be changed if God’s commands and warnings from the Bible were obeyed!


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