Daily Devotions of Revelation 14

Daily Nugget: John sees Jesus, this time, standing on Mount Sion (vs. 1). It is not the earthly Mount Zion, but the one spoken of by Paul (Heb. 12:22-23). It is located in the heavenly Jerusalem. With Jesus on this Mount stands a large group. It will be the 144,000 introduced in Rev. 7:3-8. These Jewish, virgin male (vs. 4) 140,000 have been martyred for their testimony and witness on earth. They are in heaven with the “elders” and hear the songs sung and are the only ones that can also sing the songs (vs. 3). These martyrs are considered the “firsfruits unto God and to the Lamb (Jesus)” (vs. 4). The firstfruits of the church have already been raptured up. These are the firstfruits of the restored, believing Israel. Another activity is also occurring in the heavenlies. Angels announce other judgments on the inhabitants of the earth. The third of the angels announce God’s wrath upon those on earth (vss. 10-11) that gave in and allowed the mark of the beast to be imprinted on their ...