
Showing posts from February, 2019

Daily Devotional in II Peter 3

Daily Nugget: We must be in the “last days”, prior to the coming of the Lord. What was prophesized in II Peter 3:2 has come true today. It was told over 1900 years ago, that in those "last days", there would be many that would mock (scoff) at the Lord saying, “Where is His coming?” (paraphrase from vs. 4). Indeed today, many try to poke fun at earlier biblical promises that Jesus would come again. Some of the scoffers are even those that claim to be Christian! Peter explains here why the Lord has not returned yet. Although we may be anxious for Jesus’ quick return, the Father is not. Time means little to Him. To the Creator, one day is the same as 1,000 years, and 1,000 years are the same as a day to Him (vs.8). His priority is not time. God’s priority is souls. He wants as few to go to Hell as possible (vs. 9). The longer we have on this earth, the more opportunities there are for the lost to get saved. If He came over 2,000 years ago, when the apostles and early Chri...

Daily Devotional in II Peter 2

Daily Nugget: One of the most deceptive, dangerous forces hampering the growth of Christianity has always been the sinfulness of some “spiritual” leaders. Jesus battled those that claimed to be of God but were not. It was even the “religious” leaders that orchestrated His death. Paul warned of wicked leaders, and also had to battle their attacks against him and his stand for the Word of God. Here Peter is also warning his readers of those that claim to be for God, but are not! Peter red-flags false prophets (vss. 1-3). They claim to be knowledgeable of God’s Word and His way, but often subtly stray from the truth and promote their own philosophies. Often their motivation is not to promote God’s way, as they advertise, but rather for their own gain (vs. 3). Many times they try to take advantage of the blessings of God on His people for their own benefit. Today, we see “Christian” celebrities quite often with their hand out trying to get the money that should go to supporting a loc...

Daily Devotional in II Peter 1

Daily Nugget: Faith is more than just believing Jesus died on the cross for one’s sins. The “devils” believe that, but they are not saved. Real faith is a trust in God that develops and changes us. Acting on one’s faith begins the change. The first step of faith is not easy. It requires “diligence” (vs. 5) to resist the untrusting, unbelieving flesh and to move on to what we believe. That first diligent step is trusting Christ as Saviour, and not trusting what we believed in the past. If we obey the Holy Spirit’s leading, our faith will grow past the point of just believing by faith. The progression, as cited in II Peter 1, can be: “virtue” (vs. 5). Virtue is godly, dedicated day-by-day living. It is the Christian character that grows when one first steps out by faith. “knowledge” (vs. 5). After Christian character develops, one looks back on how God has moved and changed him and learns something about God and His ways. His knowledge increases. “temperance” (vs. 6). As knowl...

Daily Devotional in I Peter 5

Daily Nugget: One of the most important principles for a Christian to understand is that there is a spiritual battle going on. Most of the assault is invisible, but the war against God and His followers rages. “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” Ephesians 6:12 Peter closed this letter with a similar warning. “Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour.” I Peter 5:8 Many Christians trust Christ as Saviour, but that is as far as their relationship with Him goes. They never see there is a battle all about them, and never even realize that they are a casualty in the war. A Christian cannot lose his salvation in the battle. It is already bought and paid for. His name was already written down in the Lamb’s Book of Life. However, a Christian can have his testim...

Daily Devotional in I Peter 4

Daily Nugget: When a person gets saved, there will be changes in him. He will act, live, and think differently than he did before. “Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things have become new.” II Corinthians 5:17 After the Holy Spirit becomes the main voice and control of a newly born-again individual, there is usually one area that His convicting Spirit speaks to us about. He speaks to our heart about the desires our flesh has (vs. 2). Fulfilling the lusts of the things in this world never actually filled us in the past, and did nothing to help us at all. After salvation, the Holy Spirit attempts to direct us into getting rid of the sinful, damaging baggage we do not need. In the past animal indulgences of animal desires (lasciviousness), lusts, drunkenness, partying (revellings), and putting other things above the Lord (idolatries) ruled our lives (vs. 3). Now on the other side of salvation, they are to be halted. ...

Daily Devotional in I Peter 3

Daily Nugget: The latter part of the previous chapter dealt with loving and respecting all men (I Peter 2:17). That principle is continued in this chapter on a more personal level: how husbands and wives should treat each other (vss. 1-7). Most women cringe at Peter’s admonition to them. Peter’s counsel was: “… ye wives, be in subjection to your own husbands …” (vs. 1). Perhaps because of pride, thoughts of men taking advantage, his not making right choices, fear of not having any say in a marriage or a host of other reasons, most women do not like this commandment in the Bible. It is still commanded in the Word of God that the wife should be subject to her husband. In any relationship, there has to be a head. In a relationship involving two or more of any sex, it will not be long until it is observed that one will assume a leadership role. One will be more outspoken then another. One may have more suggestions than others. One may start making more choices than the others. There ...

Daily Devotional in I Peter 2

Daily Nugget: From time to time many Christians lose sight of who they are in God’s eyes. Peter gives us at least seven reminders who the child of God really is. He is chosen (vs. 9). As sinful as we are, and even though we have let God down so many times, He has chosen us! He makes up the royal priesthood. In Old Testament times there were priests picked because of the family they had come from – the tribe of Levi. Although there are to be no priests in this New Testament age that function as did the Old Testament priest, each believer is a priest. They can go to the Lord in prayer for themselves and others. They can give their life to the needs of others. We are born into the royal family of God and can boldly go to the throne room of God. He makes up a “holy nation”. With their sins all forgiven, in God’s sight we are a holy people. We are not better than anyone else. We are not perfect. However, by the grace of God we are holy. He is a peculiar person (vs. 9). A Christian s...

Daily Devotional in I Peter 1

Daily Nugget: “For all flesh is as grass, and all the glory of man as the flower of grass. The grass withereth, and the flower thereof falleth away: But the word of the Lord endureth for ever. And this is the word which by the gospel is preached unto you.” I Peter 24-25 Kings and presidents come and go. Famous celebrities also rise and fall. People are here on this earth for a relatively short time, and then they are gone. One thing that will never vanish and one thing that will never be just a “fad” is the Word of God. One could knock on most doors in their area and not find many households that have a book that was written over 100 years ago. Those houses would also hold even fewer copies of books that were over 500 years old. However, the majority of those houses would have portions of a book that is over 3500 years old. Most houses have a Bible. This fact validates the prophecy that God’s Word will always be with us. Men, sometimes with Satan behind their actions, have tried...

Daily Devotional in James 5

Daily Nugget: As James concluded his letter, he gave his readers some spiritual advice. Most likely his advice was to halt practices that were going on in the lives of Christians then. His spiritual council included: That certain rich man, mostly likely unsaved (vss. 1-6), were using their power and finances to take advantage of those they employed and other poor. James scolded them and told them their ill-gotten wealth was corrupted. God’s hand of blessing was not on them because of their atrocious behavior. Encouragement to Christians that they needed to be patient, as the Lord would someday return (vss. 7-8). Even during those times, early Christians expected the Lord to return again. Like those people, all we can do is wait patiently and work until He comes. Not to hold grudges against others (vss. 9-11) — especially Christians. Not to swear. Although no one should utter filthy language, that is not the type of swearing it is referring to here. James was telling these people...

Daily Devotional in James 4

Daily Nugget: James discusses a sin that has robbed many of an opportunity to be fully satisfied. It has also robbed many of joy, they could be enjoying. At times it has often left some “emptier” than they were previously. This rampant sin, as do all sins, gets man further away from God than they would ever imagine. It is the sin of lusting, that is exposed in this chapter. One’s longing desire for many of the world’s tempting offerings is often an attempt to meet spiritual needs in one’s life with worldly things. One will never be truly fulfilled that way. Always more will be needed as one’s carnal appetite increases. Lust for power and riches have caused the deaths of unfathomable numbers in war (vs. 2). No matter the earthly treasure gained, still the insatiable hole in one’s soul remains unfilled (vs. 3). Covetous actions are identified as sin in the Bible. Attempts in asking God for things that will involve them in things God does not want them to have in the first place wil...

Daily Devotional in James 3

Daily Nugget: There is a part of man or woman, big or small, old or young, that gets them in the most trouble. This appendage, as small as it is (vs. 5), helps send many in the wrong direction (vss. 3,4) and is responsible for many things that its owner regrets. This difficult to manage part of everyone’s anatomy is one’s tongue. Controlled, one’s tongue can be a blessing to God and man (vss, 9, 10). Uncontrolled, the tongue can: Make some desire to govern other’s lives (vs. 1). As Matthew Henry has said, “… do not give yourselves the air of teachers, imposers, and judges, but rather speak with the humility and spirit of learners. Do not censure one another, as if all must be brought to your standard.” Offend others (vs. 2). Govern one’s whole body into doing wrong things (vss. 3, 4). Boast. We are nothing on our own merit. If we have achieved anything more than is achieved by a normal person, it is only because of God’s grace, mercy, and blessing. Boasting elevates our succe...

Daily Devotional in James 2

Daily Nugget: The one thing that has kept many out of heaven, even professing Christians, is discussed in this chapter (vss. 14-26). Sadly, those people may have thought they had done what was necessary to obtain Heaven but found out they were mistaken. The faith that they thought would bar them from an everlasting torment, turned out not to be “real” faith. Just believing in God is not saving, or trusting faith! Even the devils believe in God (vs.19). They even tremble at the mention of Him, yet their “faith” will not save them any more than that kind of faith will save anyone. Satan has even talked to God, yet his knowing the Creator is not going to get him into heaven. Knowledge is not necessarily faith. I can believe that there is a president in the Whitehouse, but that faith does not make me a member of his family or even part of his cabinet. Real Christian faith is more than knowing about spiritual things. The one ingredient that makes faith real is that one trusts one’s bel...

Daily Devotional in James 1

Daily Nugget: James, who many believe to be the brother of Jesus, gives practical advice in this writing. One of the most practical and oft-visited situations for all people, including believers, is discussed here. The “good” side of going through difficulties is examined in verses 2-6. Here James identifies the difficulties, trials, and enticements all face as “divers temptations”. Although most initially shudder at even the thought of going through different problems, James exposes what can positively be gained by going through our individual “valleys”. Instead of agreeing how terrible it is to have problems James encourages Christians to “… count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations;” (vs. 2). How could anyone be joyful when facing joblessness, heartaches, financial problems, family problems, or the thousands of difficulties we all face in our lifetime? James tells us we can be “joyful” because: The trying of our faith during hard times builds our patience (vs...

Daily Devotional in Hebrews 13

Daily Nugget: In closing his letter to the Hebrew Christians, Paul left them with eight pieces of advice dealing with a Christian’s social duties. They were: To love other Christians (vs. 1). To be nice to strangers, especially because we have no idea, that when we do, we may be entertaining angels (vs. 1). This informs a Bible reader that angels are real and that we may come in contact with them more often than we realize. Because we may entertain them “unawares”, the art depicting them with wings and halos is not accurate. If they had those features, we would definitely be able to distinguish them from other people. However, if they looked like normal men, we would never know if we had communicated with them “unawares.” You may even come in contact with an angel today! To be concerned about the difficulties others are going through, as if they were your own trials (vs. 3). To remember marriage is the “honourable” thing; whereas adultery and fornication are not (vs. 4).  ...

Daily Devotional in Hebrews 12

Daily Nugget: Every Christian, at one time or the other, contemplates why they are going through such trials and tribulations. Nowhere in the Word of God does it say that life will be easy once one is saved; although we do have much more godly protection. Actually, after salvation, life may be harder. That may be why so many “quit” their attempts to live godly. The end of the previous chapter listed many that lost their lives for their faith, but the trials most of us face are nothing like they faced (vs. 4). Even the perfect Son of God faced trials imposed by others of far inferior spiritual standing than He (vs. 3). We should not be surprised when hard times do come our way. However, some of the “hard times” many face are self-induced. Often the problems experienced are the side effects of one’s own sin. Other times our tribulations are the result of one’s Heavenly Father disciplining him for straying from the path He desired him to take. Those that utter, “I can’t underst...

Daily Devotional in Hebrews 11

Beginning in Hebrews 10:38 and continuing throughout this chapter, Paul writes about another important spiritual concept that the Hebrews needed to understand. He wrote about faith. This concept was also prevalent throughout Old Testament times, and should also have been recognized by the Hebrews. Verse one gives the best definition of what faith really is: “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” Hebrews 11:1. Faith is what one has when he is convinced that, without sight or visual proof, what he is desiring will come to fruition. Those with faith know what they require will happen! The expectation is so great that it is almost “substance”. Much of the chapter gives highlights from the lives of believers the Hebrews would have known, and how faith was the driving force behind what they accomplished. Over nineteen Old Testament saints were cited in “God’s Hall of Faith” for their great faith in their mighty God. Three examples of the faith...