Daily Devotional in II Peter 3

Daily Nugget: We must be in the “last days”, prior to the coming of the Lord. What was prophesized in II Peter 3:2 has come true today. It was told over 1900 years ago, that in those "last days", there would be many that would mock (scoff) at the Lord saying, “Where is His coming?” (paraphrase from vs. 4). Indeed today, many try to poke fun at earlier biblical promises that Jesus would come again. Some of the scoffers are even those that claim to be Christian! Peter explains here why the Lord has not returned yet. Although we may be anxious for Jesus’ quick return, the Father is not. Time means little to Him. To the Creator, one day is the same as 1,000 years, and 1,000 years are the same as a day to Him (vs.8). His priority is not time. God’s priority is souls. He wants as few to go to Hell as possible (vs. 9). The longer we have on this earth, the more opportunities there are for the lost to get saved. If He came over 2,000 years ago, when the apostles and early Chri...