
Showing posts from May, 2021

Daily Devotion in Revelation 2

Artwork from a 1611 KJV. Daily Nugget: Messages to four different churches were penned in Revelation 2. These messages were not only to the churches of the day, but they also were to those that would come and have similar spiritual problems. These churches were illustrations of how the churches generally would be in the future. They pictured different church ages. The first church mentioned was the church at Ephesus. That church discerned what was right and wrong and labored for the cause of Christ (Revelation 2:2-3). They were warned, however, that they had “left thy first love.” The church body had relaxed and lost the love for the Saviour that they had in the past. This church in Ephesus also pictured what would happen to churches in general. During the period between A. D. 70-1701, the once strong church backslid and lost some of its zeal. They had left the love they had previously for God. ** The dates quoted in this devotion are from Charles Larkin’s Th...

Daily Devotion in Revelation 1

Daily Nugget: The book of The Revelation is the most popular of the prophetic books of the Bible. While on the Isle of Patmos (Revelation 1:9), Jesus (1) revealed futuristic things to John. In this unveiling of things to come, Jesus instructed the apostle to write the things that he saw and heard in a book (Revelation 1:11) so that all could read what will happen (Revelation 1:3). Hundreds of Old Testament prophecies about Jesus and His first coming have happened. Hundreds of other prophecies about other happenings also have come true. It is just a matter of time until all that is recorded in The Revelation is fulfilled. John was to send what he recorded to seven churches of that time (Revelation 1:11). There were certainly more than seven churches, so there were other reasons the revelator gave those churches copies of what Jesus showed the apostle. As we will read in the next two chapters, these churches had some in their membership that were doing right, b...

Daily Devotion in Jude

  Daily Nugget: False teachings in Christianity were as much a problem in early New Testament churches as they are today. Paul warned about them, as did John, Peter, Jesus, Jude, and many other saints of the past. False teachers creep into a spiritually unwary, uneducated, and uninvolved congregation and gradually promote their philosophies and teachings. Jude identifies those wolves in sheep’s clothing as ungodly men, and they certainly could be women as well. They turn God’s graciousness into a situation that satisfies their indulgence of animal desires (lasciviousness) and deny the Lord (Jude 4). In this epistle, we are reminded that God knew a long time before the false teachers got their evil claws into the ministry of God what they were up to — “… who were before of old ordained to this condemnation…” (Jude 4). They did not get away unscathed and unjudged, as other evilness in the Word of God did not. The examples given of those that did not get away with the...

Daily Devotion in III John

Daily Nugget: Every church has its “good” and “bad” members. The church that John was writing to in III John had several of both categories, I am sure. However, the apostle wrote of three members in his letter. Two of the members were good representations of what a Christian should be. Gaius was the “well-beloved” (III John:1). He was most likely a friendly person who many loved. Many reports from the church told John how Gaius was a blessing in the church family (III John:3, 6) and how the man attended to the needs of other Christians (III John:5). It was evident by his care for the brethren that he truly loved the members of his church. Another blessing in the church was Demetrias. John also had good things said about him (III John:12). These two were an encouragement to the apostle’s heart. It is always good and encouraging to hear how people get saved, get their hearts and lived changed by the Holy Spirit’s work, and do much for the cause of Christ an...

Daily Devotion in II John

Daily Nugget: This epistle was written to a godly woman John had met in the past.  In it, he summed up much of what he had said in I John and sent it to her personally. It is important to preach and teach to as many as we can, but as this letter shows us, it is important to have one-on-one relationships with others. In disciplining this woman, John addressed the issue of “not everyone who claims to be Christian is.” The apostle mentioned how those that “… abideth not in the doctrine of Christ” (II John 9) should be treated. His advice was not that of many today, who think it is the Christian way to tolerate anybody, no matter what they believe. John commanded that if some people denied Jesus is the Christ and that He has not come, we should not have fellowship with them or invite them into our houses (II John:10). Having fellowship with these unbelievers and even allowing them into our homes can have consequences. What would another believer think if he saw me inviting a Je...

Daily Devotion in I John 5

Daily Nugget: In I John 3, five proofs of one’s salvation were revealed. John made it quite clear that one can know for sure if one is saved or not. Daily Nugget: In I John 3’s devotion, five proofs of one’s salvation were revealed. John made it quite clear that one can know for sure, if one is saved or not. There are other assurances John also wanted Christians to know. In this chapter, he used the word “know” seven times (I John 5:2, 13, 15, 18, 19, 20) to allow us to be aware that there are other things we can be assured of. They are: The assurance that we can overcome (I John5:4, 5) the world’s enticements, entanglements, and encouragements to live sinfully. We may live in this world, but no longer do we have to be led by our fleshly urges to do what the flesh desires and lusts after. We are new creatures in Christ (II Cor. 5:17). Our faith in Christ that He will help us through life can give us victory in this life (I John 5:4). We are on the winning side. We may have...

Daily Devotion in I John 4

Daily Nugget: “Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.” I John 4:1 Too many Christians are missing discernment in determining what is of God and what is not. This chapter starts by urging believers to be wary of how they are influenced. Cults and many denominations are full of those that mean well, want to follow God, but end up following unbiblical, ungodly theologies and philosophies. A desire to please God is normal for most, but failing to discern right from wrong often gets a person further away from God’s truths than they would ever expect. Most people are trusting. It is surprising what they will believe. John gives one keyword of advice in determining if something, or someone, is of God or not. That word is “try” (I John 4:1). It means to “prove by testing.” As Ephesians 6 makes very clear, there is an unseen spiritual battle going on all around us. This battle is raging betwe...

Daily Devotion in I John 3

Daily Nugget:   After one is saved, it is often questioned, “Am I really saved? How can I know for sure?” This chapter helps answer some of those questions and doubts. The first proof is “Whosoever abideth in him [Jesus] sinneth not…” (I John 3:6, 5:18). A normal reaction after reading that verse would be one of panic, “Oh, no, I have sinned since I have been saved. I must not be saved.” That is not what is addressed here. Throughout the New Testament, it has been established that even after we are saved, we can still sin (Romans 3:10, 23). In I John 2:1, Christians are commanded not to sin, but if they do, they have an advocate (a person who defends one’s case in a court of law) in Christ. Why would we need an advocate if we did not sin? There also is a long list of righteous men who sinned, including Moses, Lot, David, and Peter. The soul may be saved, but the flesh we were born with still sins if the Spirit does not control it. In I John 3:6, the word “sinneth” refers to ...

Daily Devotion in I John 2

Daily Nugget: The deceptions of men were a problem that deeply troubled John as he continued discussing them in this chapter. He knew that the words that came out of some men’s mouths were not actually what they believed. By experience and the illumination from the Holy Spirit, he learned that a person’s true heart was often reflected by their deeds and actions. John learned that a person who claimed to be a believer but did not keep God’s commandments was a liar (I John 2:4). God’s truth was not in him when he claimed to be a child of God but did not do the things that God had commanded him to do. Going through life as a Christian, our ears, eyes, and discernment are often on others that claim the same faith. We are confused when we hear their profession of faith yet see that they are not living the life they are supposed to live. Although we scratch our heads at one that says one thing but lives another, the Holy Spirit, through the Apostle’s writing simply says, “… the truth is no...

Daily Devotion in I John 1

Daily Nugget: In starting the first of his three letters, John the Apostle bluntly covers two areas that many are not completely honest about, even with themselves. These areas are: When people claim to be in fellowship with God, but are not! “If we say that we have fellowship with him, and walk in darkness, we lie, and do not the truth:” I John 1:6 Many times folks fool even themselves into believing that they can talk to God, that He is listening to them, answering them, and they are in full fellowship with Him. They lie to themselves. A believer cannot have close fellowship with God when there is sin in their life! God hates wickedness. Although people do not lose their salvation when they fall for sin’s enticement, they certainly grieve Him (Ephesians 4:30). That grieving will cost one from having a close relationship with God. The only remedy for that broken relationship is to turn from sin (Acts 8:22) and again “… walk in the light…” (I John 7). One should then live in th...

Daily Devotion in II Peter 3

Daily Nugget: We are getting closer to the “last days” before the coming of the Lord. What was prophesied in II Peter 3:2 is happening today. It was told over 1900 years ago that in the "last days," there would be many that would mock (scoff) at the Lord, saying, “Where is His coming?” (paraphrase from II Peter 3:4). Those poking fun at the earlier biblical promises that Jesus would come again are on the increase. Some of the scoffers are even those that claim to be Christian! Peter explains here why the Lord has not returned yet. Although we may be eager for Jesus’ quick return, the Father is not. Time means little to Him. To the Creator, one day is the same as 1,000 years, and 1,000 years are the same as a day to Him (II Peter 3:8). His priority is not time. God’s priority is souls. He wants as few to go to Hell as possible (II Peter 3:9). The longer we have on Earth, the more opportunities there are for the lost to get saved. If He came over 2,000 yea...

Daily Devotion in II Peter 2

Daily Nugget: One of the most deceptive, dangerous forces hampering the growth of Christianity has always been the sinfulness of some “spiritual” leaders. Jesus battled those that claimed to be of God, but were not. It was even the “religious” leaders that orchestrated His death. Paul warned of wicked leaders, and also had to battle their attacks against him and his stand for the Word of God. Here Peter is also warning his readers of those that claim to be for God, but are not! One of the most deceptive, dangerous forces hampering the growth of Christianity has always been the sinfulness of some “spiritual” leaders. Jesus battled those that claimed to be of God but were not. It was even the “religious” leaders who orchestrated His death. Paul warned of wicked leaders and had to battle their attacks against him and his stand for the Word of God. Here Peter is also warning his readers of those that claim to be of God but are not! Peter red-flagged false prophets (II...

Devotion in II Peter 1

Daily Nugget: Faith is more than just believing Jesus died on the cross for one’s sins. The “devils” believe that, but they are not saved. Genuine faith is a trust in God that develops and changes us.  Acting on one’s faith begins the change. The first step of faith may not be easy. It requires “diligence” (II Peter 1:5) to resist the untrusting, unbelieving flesh and to move on to what we believe. That first diligent step is trusting Christ as Saviour and not trusting what we accepted in the past. If we obey the Holy Spirit’s leading, our faith will grow past the point of just believing. The progression, as cited in II Peter 1, can be: “virtue” (II Peter 1:5). Virtue is godly, dedicated day-by-day living. It is the Christian character that grows when one first steps out by faith. “knowledge” (II Peter 1:5). After Christian character develops, one looks back on how God has moved and changed him and learns something about God and His ways. His knowled...

Daily Devotion in I Peter 5

Daily Nugget: One of the most important principles for a Christian to understand is a spiritual battle is raging. Most of the assault is invisible, but the war against God and His followers is ongoing.  “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” Ephesians 6:12 Peter closed this letter with a similar warning. “Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour.” I Peter 5:8 Many Christians trust Christ as Saviour, but that is as far as their relationship with Him goes. They never see a battle all about them and never even realize that they are casualties in the war. A Christian cannot lose his salvation in the battle. It is already bought and paid for. His name was already written in the Lamb’s Book of Life. However, a Christian can have his testimony destroye...

Daily Devotion in I Peter 4

Daily Nugget: When a person gets saved, there will be changes in him. He will act, live, and think differently than he did before. “Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.” II Corinthians 5:17 After the Holy Spirit becomes the main voice and control of a born-again individual, there is usually one area that His convicting Spirit speaks to us about. He speaks to our hearts about the desires our flesh has (I Peter 4:2). Fulfilling the lusts for the things in this world never actually filled us in the past and did nothing to help us. After salvation, the Holy Spirit attempts to direct us to get rid of the sinful, damaging baggage we do not need. In the past, indulgences of animal desires (“lasciviousness”), lusts, drunkenness, partying (“revellings”), and putting other things above the Lord (“idolatries”) ruled our lives (I Peter 4:3). Now, on the other side of salvation, they are to be halted. Another importa...