Daily Devotion in I Thessalonians 2

Daily Nugget: Serving in a ministry is not as simple as it may appear to many that only see what happens on Sunday morning. Be it as a pastor, Sunday school teacher, bus route worker, deaf interpreter, or soul winner, there is much more involved than just being prepared for a sermon, lesson, or whatever one is led to do. The most important preparation must be first done in one’s heart. One must be willing to sacrifice himself and tolerate things one normally would not want to have any part of. Christ is our ultimate example of what one should be willing to be and give. He gave it all to further the Father’s cause. Here in I Thessalonians 2, Paul also illustrates what is required to help others when he ministered to the Christians in Thessalonica: He was willing to face persecutions and confrontations, sometimes from other Christians (I Thessalonians 2:2). He was honest in the delivering of the message of God (I Thessalonians 2:3, 5). He was willing to please God at...