
Showing posts from September, 2020

Daily Devotion in Acts 9

Daily Nugget: From time to time, when talking to people about salvation, it has come up that some are convinced that their sins are so great that there is no hope of their getting saved. I immediately retell the story about Saul, found in this chapter, to show them there is still hope for them. When the first martyr for the cause of Christ, Stephen, died, young Saul held the coats (Acts 7:58) of angry Jews as they hurled stones at the man of God. Saul saw the great peace in Stephen’s face and his demeanor as he calmly fell asleep while the irritated mob did their worst against the man. Later, Saul thought he was serving God and pursued Christians throughout the land, seized them, and had them thrown in jail. Perhaps, he was even inspired to attack Christianity because of what he had seen done to Stephen. Christian believers soon were petrified at Saul's name, as his reputation of apprehending and slaughtering believers (Acts 9:1) spread. God saw what the Jewish zealot ...

Daily Devotion in Acts 8

Daily Nugget: Philip was given a command by an angel to go south (Acts 8:26). Without receiving any other details, the man of God obediently went. After thirty miles or so, he encountered a lone chariot riding in the desert. As he got closer, he saw it was an African man being chauffeured in a chariot. Running to keep up with the traveler, Philip overheard the man who “just happened” to be reading Isaiah 53:7 at the time. As any alert soul-winner would surmise, Philip knew that the timing was of God. It was the perfect opportunity to tell the Ethiopian eunuch about the One that was prophesied about in the Scripture. The preacher then asked lead-in question considering the soul-winning opportunity he had; “… Understandest thou what thou readest?” The answer was too good for any soul-winner to resist: “… How can I, except some man should guide me? …” That man’s answer should be the driving force of any Sunday school teacher, preacher, or faithful soul-winner. His response is why most c...

Daily Devotions in Acts 7

Daily Nugget: Continuing from the previous chapter, Stephen was persecuted by religious Jews and their leaders. He turned their time of questioning him into an opportunity to preach to them. He started by preaching a condensed history of the Jews. I am sure all that were listening were agreeing with him as Stephen gave a brief synopsis of their Jewish past, starting with Abraham. Heads may have been nodding as he progressed through the experiences of Joseph, Moses, and David. All must have been in agreement as he spoke of David and Solomon. Then Stephen’s history lesson ceased, and he got to the reason for his reviewing the great prophets and leaders of the Jews. Stephen reminded them that the Jews had persecuted all the prophets of the past (Acts 7:51-52) and, because of their hardened hearts, were not even obeying the law that they were given. I can imagine for a brief minute, heads stopped nodding, and a silence came over the crowd. After that brief silent...

Daily Devotion in Acts 6

Daily Nugget: In Acts chapter 6, we find an early church growing by leaps and bounds. It was flourishing so much that the twelve apostles could not meet the needs of all their congregation. They needed help, so they chose seven more to assist them. One of the seven was Stephen. It was not long until Stephen was allowing himself to be used by the Holy Spirit. God was using him to do great and marvelous things (Acts 6:8). Soon, success stirred up animosity from the “religious” crowd (Acts 6:9-14). Priests, the intellectual scribes, and others expressed their outrage against Stephen. Arguing against him ensued. False witnesses stood against the servant of God, accusing him of things he had not done. The unrighteous religious were at it again — trying to silence someone trying to do something for God. Why did it happen? The Bible does not clarify other than to say that Stephen’s wisdom was too great for them to understand (Acts 6:10). I would not be surprised that conviction from what S...

Daily Devotion in Acts 5

Daily Nugget: Jesus was eliminated from Earth, but not the attitude and hatred that had Him killed. Although a budding, baby ministry, its early church leaders were starting to experience the same persecution that Jesus faced. In Acts 5, we find the “religious” Pharisees objecting to the preaching that was going on — again. The Pharisees wanted to stop the preaching of the truth by killing the speakers. One of the pharisaical leaders had more wisdom than the others in spiritual matters. That Pharisee was Gamaliel, a doctor of the law (Acts 5: 34). Gamaliel stood up and advised the mob of blood-thirsty Pharisees to, “… let them alone: for if this counsel or this work be of men, it will come to nought: But if it is of God, ye cannot overthrow it; lest haply ye be found even to fight against God” (Acts 5:38-39). What a good point to keep in mind for a Christian. If something is of man, it probably will not last. Often we have ideas about what we can do for God or even ourselves....

Devotion in Acts 4

Daily Nugget: One of the blessings of reading the Bible is learning how biblical characters solved problems, got through hardships, and lived a godly life. Peter is one of those personalities who can be a good Christian example to pattern oneself after. After Jesus left to return to His heavenly home, Peter, although sad and grieving, pushed forward to live for God. After his humbling experience when He denied Jesus three times (John 18), it seems that Peter learned an important lesson from that trial. From that time forward, the Bible shows that Peter had a single-minded purpose. That purpose was to take any opportunity he had to tell others about Jesus. In this chapter, after being used to heal a lame man, the religious people were angered at what Peter had done. Soon they were questioning and grilling Peter. Instead of getting down to their level and possibly having a big debate that accomplished little, he preached a subject he knew could have a positive influence. He preached ab...

Daily Devotion in Acts 3

Daily Nugget: In this chapter, we find that the Holy Spirit has used two disciples to perform a miracle. John and Peter told a lame man (Acts 3:2-8), who had been unable to walk since birth, to get up and walk — and the man did! Unused and weak legs were instantly transformed, and the man was healed. Not only was he able to walk, but his gratefulness could not be contained, and he leaped into the air and praised the Lord. That is why most miracles are performed so that God will get the glory. Soon, however, the word of the supernatural occurrence got around. According to what Peter said, the crowd gave the two men credit for the healing. Instantly Peter corrected their error, “… why look ye so earnestly on us, as though by our power or holiness we had made this man to walk”. God is still in the miracle performing business. When God does the impossible, it is always He that should be honored, never a man. The person used to do God’s will is simply that, one that God u...

Daily Devotions in Acts 2

Daily Nugget: Jesus told His disciples that it was essential for Him to leave so that the “Comforter” would come (John 16:7). This chapter tells of one unusual instance where that Holy Ghost came upon some disciples. It is not the first account of the Holy Spirit working in people. We read that John the Baptist was filled with the Holy Ghost (Luke 1:15), Elizabeth (Luke 1:41), Zacharias (Luke 1:67), and many others also had this experience. Some of the disciples had the Holy Ghost descend on them earlier, as told in John 20:22. This experience, however, was different from all other biblical accounts when one was filled with the Holy Ghost. There came a sound from Heaven as a great wind. Over each individual, “cloven tongues like as of fire … sat upon each of them.” These disciples then began to speak in a language they never learned to those that spoke in that tongue. Those people marveled that those filled with the Holy Ghost spoke to them in their native language. Soon other fo...

Daily Devotion in Acts 1

  The book of Acts begins at the very end of Jesus’ life. Jesus had returned from the dead, was seen of many, and did many miracles after His resurrection. Then, in front of many of His disciples, they saw Jesus’ last miracle — His ascension into Heaven. Now the disciples were left without Jesus to guide them physically on this earth, and Jesus was on his way Home. Oh, what joy there was in Heaven when He returned, I am sure. Two angels interrupted the gaze of the disciples as they were taking their last glimpse of their Saviour. The messengers encouraged the on-lookers that Jesus would return one day the same as He left. Their prophecy will one day be fulfilled when Jesus comes again. When Jesus returns: It will be similar to when He left: “… in like manner as ye have seen him go into heaven” (Acts 1:11). It will be in the clouds: “Behold, he cometh with clouds; and every eye shall see him …” (Rev. 1:7) It will be where He departed. Jesus left from the “mo...

Daily Devotion in John 21

  Daily Nugget: Jesus is omniscient. Many times, before He was slain, He proved that He knew all. After His resurrection, there are also many examples of his knowing all things. Chapter 21 highlights several of them, including: When Jesus walked this earth for 40 days after His resurrection, He knew where to find his disciples (John 21:1). That Jesus’ disciples spent all night fishing and did not catch anything. Jesus visited them and instantly knew where the fish were (John 21:6), and told them. That the fisherman still had to eat and what their needs were (John 21:9). That Jesus knew of Peter’s weakness and encouraged him to continue to minister to the many believers (John 21:15-17). What Peter’s future was, and what would happen to him in his last days (John 21:18). There is nothing Jesus does not know about anyone. He knows our heartaches, sorrows, needs, fears, strengths, weaknesses, if we are saved, and things we may not even know about ourselves. ...

Daily Devotion in John 20

  Daily Nugget: Each of the four Gospel books gives a different aspect of what the author saw or knew about Jesus’ death. Here we read what John heard about or saw after Jesus died. In this chapter, John’s record of the events following Jesus’ death includes: Mary Magdalene went to Jesus’ sepulcher in the dark and found its stone rolled away (John 20:1). She then ran away and saw Peter and John (John 20:2). The two went to the tomb and found the grave clothes (John 20:4-7). It is important to notice they found “clothes” and not just one piece. There was a piece that covered Jesus’ head (napkin) and another piece over the rest of His body. These facts should immediately negate the authenticity of the Catholic Shroud of Turin, which is claimed to be the cloth that covered Jesus’ body. The shroud is only one piece! Mary stayed behind, alone outside the tomb, where she found two angels (John 20:12). They talked to her. When she turned around, she saw Jesus standing there. He appe...

Daily Devotion in John 19

  Daily Nugget: Jesus’ death was very important for every person who has ever lived in this world. As the only Son of God, His death was the only payment that God will accept for our sins. Essential and planned as it was, it was not an easy death for Jesus. His malefactors were very cruel to Him. Although the other Gospel’s accounts of His death give more details into what occurred at Jesus’ demise, this chapter tells some of what happened. Here in John 19, we read that: Jesus was mocked (John 19:3, 5). Jesus was beaten (John 19:3). Jesus had to drag His heavy cross to Golgotha (John 19:17). Jesus was crucified between two criminals (John 19:18). Jesus’ clothing was thought more precious than His life by some and was gambled for (John 19: 23-24). Jesus’ mistreatments were displayed in front of His mother (John 19:25). Jesus was pierced in His side after His death (John 19:34). All these abuses and more, God’s son took so that He could be the means of payment for all our ...

Daily Devotional in John 18

  Daily Nugget: Sometimes we can be very judgmental of a person. When one sins, who was doing well spiritually, we are reluctant to show mercy and often become judgmental of their behavior.  However, we should remember that no one is exempt from backsliding away from God. Any one of us could make a mistake and get involved in thievery, dishonesty, immorality, or any other sin. It is only God’s grace and our character that separates us from those that get involved in iniquity. Falling into sin can happen to anyone of us. Peter was a prime example of unexpected, ungodly behavior. Peter boasted to Jesus that he loved Him so much that he would never turn against Him. The disciple was determined that he would lay down his life for the Saviour. However, Jesus revealed that He knew Peter would soon deny Him three times (John 13:37-38, Mat. 26:34) before the rooster crowed. After Jesus was taken away by an angry mob, Jesus’ prophecy was fulfilled. When a woman accused Peter of being o...