Daily Devotion in Acts 9

Daily Nugget: From time to time, when talking to people about salvation, it has come up that some are convinced that their sins are so great that there is no hope of their getting saved. I immediately retell the story about Saul, found in this chapter, to show them there is still hope for them. When the first martyr for the cause of Christ, Stephen, died, young Saul held the coats (Acts 7:58) of angry Jews as they hurled stones at the man of God. Saul saw the great peace in Stephen’s face and his demeanor as he calmly fell asleep while the irritated mob did their worst against the man. Later, Saul thought he was serving God and pursued Christians throughout the land, seized them, and had them thrown in jail. Perhaps, he was even inspired to attack Christianity because of what he had seen done to Stephen. Christian believers soon were petrified at Saul's name, as his reputation of apprehending and slaughtering believers (Acts 9:1) spread. God saw what the Jewish zealot ...