
Showing posts from August, 2020

Daily Devotion of John 11

  Daily Nugget: In John 11, we read of one of the miracles Jesus did. One of Jesus’ good friends, Lazarus, was sick and died. Jesus knew that he was going to “die,” and that this “death” would be so Jesus would be glorified. By raising Lazarus from the dead, many believed God had sent Jesus. Many knew if Jesus were there, Lazarus’ death could have been prevented. Instead of running to his friend’s deathbed, Jesus purposely waited two days (John 11:6) before departing. When Jesus did arrive at Lazarus’ house, the man had already been dead for four days (John 11:39). After our Saviour was shown the tomb of His friend and the rock that covered the tomb’s entrance was rolled away, Jesus called to the dead man, “Lazarus, come forth.” The “dead” man came back to life and walked out of his tomb. What a miracle! Because of what they had seen, many believed Jesus was the Son of God from that point. However, a surprising word started John 11:46 about others that were there — “But.” Many beli...

Daily Devotion in John 10

Daily Nugget: Quite often in the Scriptures, those that are indeed children of God are referred to as “sheep.” God compares us to sheep because we also need to be closely cared for and need constant guidance. He knows us so well. Like sheep, we need leadership to the right, godly direction. We need a shepherd. However, John 10 tells us that there are two types of shepherds: good and false shepherds. A Christian’s good shepherd is Jesus! This good shepherd: Desires that His sheep have a good life (John 10:10). Loves His sheep so much He came to us. He sought us! (John 10:10) Gave His life so that we can live eternally (John 10:11, 15). Knows who are truly His sheep (John 10:14, 27). Is known by His sheep (John 10:14). Many try to fool the “sheep,” but the believers usually do not follow the false shepherds because they can discern what is of God and what is not. Will take in anyone that will accept Him (John 10:16). He loves “sheep” and wants to help them. Is loved by God, His Father. H...

Daily Devotion of John 9

Daily Nugget: Everyone has difficulties and tribulations one time or the other. There is no promise from God that those that are believers are exempt from having hardships. Unpleasant ordeals will still happen in the lives of Christians. It does not necessarily mean that a person facing some misery is out of the will of God either. Jesus healed a man of blindness in John 9. Jesus’ disciples asked him if the reason for the man’s lack of sight was because of some sin he or his parents had committed. Christ responded that there was another reason for the man’s infirmity. It was so God could get the glory in healing the man. God certainly was honored when the man was able to see. “Jesus answered, Neither hath this man sinned, nor his parents: but that the works of God should be made manifest in him.” John 9:3 There can be many other reasons why a person may be going through hard times. According to God’s Word, they can include: To move a person to where God wants him, or to change that per...

Daily Devotion in John 8

Daily Nugget: The Pharisees were a powerful, controlling, Jewish group that boasted about and led “spiritual” activities in Jesus’ time. They were known for their separation from the scripturally “unclean” practices of the worldly Gentiles. Their roots came from the intellectual scribes that had much to do with understanding and preserving the Scriptures. At the time, if anyone were considered to be “godly” people, certainly it would have been the Pharisees. However, Jesus had much to say against this sect. It was some of these “religious” people that opposed Jesus and tried to stop His preaching. It was this group that taught contrary to what the Word of God taught. It was the Pharisees that led people in the wrong direction about spiritual matters. John 8 tells much of what Jesus knew about this religious, but unrighteous group including: Their judgments and discernments were often determined by their weak flesh, and not by God’s influence (John 8:15). They did not know God (John 8:1...

Daily Devotion in John 7

Daily Nugget: God’s Son, who gave us the only way out of Hell, should have been loved by all, but He was not. Jesus’ own words acknowledged that He had been hated by many. “The world cannot hate you; but me it hateth, because I testify of it, that the works thereof are evil.” John 7:7 Why would the world hate God’s only Son? He did no crime. He did no wrong, only right. This chapter in John sheds some light on why He is hated by the world and even some of the “religious” crowd: Jesus’ teachings were not what the world’s churches teach, but what He learned from His Father (John 7:16). His righteousness exposed their unrighteousness. Jesus revealed that the religious Jews did not obey the laws they claimed to follow (John 7:19, 22-23). Jesus revealed that their judgments and discernments were based on what they saw or perceived to be true. They were not making righteous judgments (John 7:24). Jesus accused the unrighteous “religious” of not even knowing God (John...

Daily Devotion of John 6

Daily Nugget: Jesus had many disciples, but they were a mixed multitude. Some of them were lost according to John 6:64. Why would unsaved people follow Jesus?  It was common for people of that day to follow a teacher or philosopher. It is still that way today. Man loves to follow another man, be it a teacher, politician, sports figure, or Hollywood star. Just being a disciple (follower), though, does not mean that one believes all that is taught by that person. That was true for Jesus’ disciples. Some followed him to see and partake of the miracles. However, when Jesus began to require something of them, as in John 6:53-58, it was a different story. They said in John 6:60, “…This is a hard saying; who can hear it?” By verse 66, it was said, “… many of his disciples went back, and walked no more with him.” Hard things can often separate the “men from the boys” — the saved from the lost, and the weak from the strong. In John 6:68-69, “Then said Jesus unto the twelve, Will ye also go ...

Daily Devotion in John 5

Daily Nugget: The four books of the Gospel (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John) echo a similar problem that Jesus had. This problem has also plagued countless Christians since. The difficulty Jesus and others face, even today, is persecution for their beliefs. Surprisingly, persecution does not entirely come from those that hate God directly and try to oppose Him. Those that often cause the most problems for one’s living the way the Scripture commands are the “religious” crowd. This group often hides under the pretense of being godly and living God’s way, but it is with outward appearance only. These are the people that troubled Jesus often. Their hypocritical lifestyle and practices proved they had unconverted hearts. They had “… a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof…” II Timothy 3:5  In John 5:7-9, we read of Jesus’ healing a man who had an infirmity for 38 years (John 5:5). You would have thought everyone would have been so excited, especially those claiming to be follow...

Daily Devotion in John 4

Daily Nugget: In John 4, we see Jesus getting much encouragement and strength (vss. 32 & 34) from doing what God desires all of us to do. He had just had the opportunity to speak to a Samaritan woman about spiritual things. He introduced her to the Messiah. We all would be likewise blessed if we did as our Saviour did. It is a wise man (Proverbs 11:20) who wins a soul for Heaven and robs Hell of one more victim. A born-again child of God is expected to tell others as Jesus did. We are not to be silent about the crucial business of eternity. We are commanded to tell others and will be blessed for doing so. In verses 34-38, Jesus tells us more about telling others about God’s way to Heaven: Now is the time to do it. Do not wait four months (John 4:35), or when you think the time is right. Too many say that telling others does not work now. Not true! People are getting saved all the time. There may be a person you work with or a person that lives just across the street that desires th...

Daily Devotion in John 3

Daily Nugget: One of the most popular stories told to explain what it means to be saved from Hell is found in John 3. It is the story about Nicodemus. Nicodemus was a very influential, scripturally-educated leader of the Jews (John 3:1). Perhaps this ruler was afraid, ashamed, or embarrassed to be seen with Jesus, who was causing much confusion among the Jews he was leading. For whatever reason, Nicodemus visited Jesus at night. Jesus told this man a spiritual truth that has troubled many people since. “… Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.” John 3:3 Immediately, this strict follower of the Jewish law admitted he did not understand what Jesus was saying. The leader questioned if Jesus was saying that his physical body had to be re-birthed (John 3:4). This man had much scriptural learning, but he was missing something fundamental. He was missing an understanding of spiritual things. Jesus went on to explain to the man how all could know if they were Heaven-boun...

Daily Devotion in John 2

Daily Nugget: At the beginning of Jesus’ three-and-a-half-year ministry, we see that He was not the tolerant-to-sin, peaceful man whom many make Him out to be. We see that Jesus (John 2:14-16) saw something wrong, dealt with it in public, was angry about it, and did not tolerate what was done. Jesus saw that men were trying to make a profit out of the way Jews worshiped God. The Jews were to give sacrifices to the priests to cover the sins they and their families had committed. The sacrifices given were to be from their best flock. It was something they had to put some effort into and constantly keep God in their minds while they raised the animals for sacrifice.  Men took advantage of the Jew’s lazy streak. They sold the worshippers the sacrifices so that the temple goers did not have to raise them themselves. Worshiping was becoming comfortable and meaningless to some. Soon, the back of the temple was teeming with salesmen, their animal wares, and barnyard sounds from their lives...

Daily Devotion in John 1

Daily Nugget: John 1 is an important chapter that establishes that God and Jesus are one. Although many squirm and scratch their heads at this truth, the Bible asserts the two are the same. The chapter starts by reminding the reader of the teaching in Genesis 1:1. That verse declares the truth that in the beginning, God created Heaven and the Earth. John 1:1 further reveals that God’s Word that spoke all that we see and know of into existence is God. (Notice that “Word” in John 1:1 is capitalized, indicating it is proper noun is referring to a Person.) As hard it is for our minds to grasp, God’s spoken Word is a Person. “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” John 1:1 “In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.” Gen. 1:1 Further along in this chapter, vss. 5-9, a man used by God, John the Baptist, is mentioned. One of that preacher’s missions was to reveal a “mysterious” person. Four times (vss. 7-9), this Person was described as a ...

Daily Devotion in Luke 24

Daily Nugget: One of the many things that prove that Jesus was not an ordinary man is that His life did not end with His crucifixion. His life continued, and Luke 24 tells some of what happened after His death. The chapter reveals: Jesus rose from the dead!  Angels had announced Jesus’ birth and announced that He had risen (vs. 5-6) He came back after His crucifixion and was seen by many. Jesus taught others when He came back. Jesus had a different body, but He still remembered many things, talked, walked, and was able to discern others’ feelings. He still knew Scripture (vs. 27). He still prayed and thanked God (vs. 30). He must have appeared differently. He had talked and spent time with several disciples, but they did not recognize who He was until their eyes were opened. They were then given the understanding that it was Christ they had been talking with (vs. 31). He just appeared amongst people. In several other places in the Bible, Jesus appeared amid people without going thr...