
Showing posts from March, 2020

Daily Devotion of Proverbs 28

Daily Nugget: “The wicked flee when no man pursueth: but the righteous are bold as a lion.” Proverbs 28:1 Also: Psalm 53:5. The ungodly may be content committing sin they are involved in, but they have been robbed of confidence, they are not even aware they are missing. Because they have rejected God’s way, they are deprived of the promises, protection, and peace the child of God can have. Too often, the “wicked” fear what could happen and bite their nails over a lot of never occurring “what if’s. They constantly look over their shoulders for dangers that are not there. There needs to be a balance of what could happen and that God will only allow what He wants to happen in our life. The unbeliever does not have that comfort. However, with the assurance that God is in control, the believer can have less fear and concern. Those in sin also have another silent voice that often nags and frightens them. It is the voice of guilt that also steals the peace they could be having. Al...

Daily Devotion of Proverbs 27

Daily Nugget: “Boast not thyself of to morrow; for thou knowest not what a day may bring forth.” Proverbs 27:1 Although Proverbs 27 is chock-full of life-directing wisdom, verse one should remind each one of us that our time on this Earth is not forever. Our life could end before the sun sets today. No one knows how much time they have left. No one has the promise of tomorrow! While we do have the time, do not procrastinate. Do not put off: Being saved. Although many put off being born-again (John 3:3), they may not have tomorrow to do so. Not only may one’s opportunity to have God’s promise of an eternity with Him be soon ended, but each time salvation is also put off one’s heart hardens and becomes more defiant to God’s calling. One may have another day, but after having ignored the pleas of the Holy Spirit so often, He may no longer speak to one about securing their eternity (Romans 10:9) in Heaven. Each time one says “No” to the Spirit of God’s prodding by not obeying His...

Daily Devotion of Proverbs 26

Daily Nugget: “… 15 The slothful hideth his hand in his bosom; it grieveth him to bring it again to his mouth…” Proverbs 26:13-16 In Proverbs 26:13-16, the type of person that wastes his time on this Earth and misses being all he could be is mentioned. The person discussed is “slothful.” This type of person refuses to work or does all he can to avoid it. He is a “sluggard,” and his laziness hurts him more than he realizes. Work is good and should not be avoided. It helps a person feel better about himself as labor allows him to help himself and society. The Bible talks much about work. Read some of what the Word of God teaches about laboring: God works. If the creator works, those that He created should follow His example. Creation was some of God’s work. “And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made;…” Gen. 2:2 Also: Ex. 20:9, Ps. 8:3. God works at protecting His people. See Ex. 1:31. Jesus worked. If we are Christians, or “Christ-like,” we should emulate ...

Daily Devotion of Proverbs 25

Daily Nugget: Man’s way and God’s way of dealing with those that dislike or turn against him are entirely different. Man’s natural reaction when dealing with an enemy is to get even or to do him more harm than is done to him. God’s way is completely foreign to how man would handle that type of situation. God’s way is not to get even or to harm the adversary. His approach is to be kind to the person even though an enemy’s behavior does not warrant kindness. If one’s enemy is hungry, give him food. If he is thirsty, quench that thirst. That is God’s way. "If thine enemy be hungry, give him bread to eat; and if he be thirsty, give him water to drink:” Proverbs 25:21 The first thing one’s pride would shout is, “That is showing weakness. Their treatment of me will only get worse.” It certainly is not weak to fight one’s natural inclinations. It takes great character, control, and strength to treat the opposition kindly and to overcome what the flesh wants to do to the adversary...

Daily Devotion of Proverbs 24

Daily Nugget: “Be not thou envious against evil men, neither desire to be with them.” Proverbs 24:1 Sometimes the children of God look around, and it appears to them that those they see living unrighteously are doing well and getting away with their sin. At times, some may even wish they had the riches or fame the ungodly have, no matter what those people did to get what they have. People have often been envious of those doing evil. However, no one gets away with sin. There is a price tag for doing wrong that all will pay one day, either i n their earthly future or in their eternity. Never desire what the ungodly have because those baubles they have accrued on this earth are all they have, and in many cases, they will not have those things or notoriety very long. The godly will certainly have trials and tribulations in this world. There is no way to avoid all of them, but when we do go through those valleys, we will rise and be victorious. Unfortunately, the lost can seldom s...

Daily Devotion of Proverbs 23

Daily Nugget: “Speak not in the ears of a fool: for he will despise the wisdom of thy words.” Proverbs 23:9 ¶ Despite our pride, many of us have been or are fools in the eyes of God. This is a very humbling thought, but it is God’s opinion, and it is the one that matters the most. Noah Webster defined foolishness as “void of understanding or sound judgment, weak in intellect (applied to the general character), unwise, silly, vain, trifling, ridiculous, sinful….” In the book of Proverbs, at least 42 verses deal with foolishness. Here is how God defines foolishness in Proverbs: A fool wants to do wrong and does not think of the consequences. “It is as sport to a fool to do mischief: but a man of understanding hath wisdom.” Proverbs 10:23 “A wise man feareth, and departeth from evil: but the fool rageth, and is confident.” Prov. 14:16 A fool follows his ideas and is not concerned about others. He gets angry when others tell him what to do. “He that trusteth in his own heart is...

Daily Devotion of Proverbs 22

Daily Nugget: One of the most important things you will ever have is not your house, your intelligence, your good looks, nor your wealth. Your most valuable asset is your name. When your name is uttered, what memory does it bring to the hearers’ ears? Do they first remember, “Oh; he has lied in the past, so chances are what he says may not be the truth”? When you are mentioned, do they giggle and remember all the foolish things you have done, and because of your past, refuse to take anything you do seriously? Does the label “adulterer” flash through their minds when you were mentioned because of sinful behavior in the past? Are you branded as a cheat forever because of having been dishonest in class many years ago? When “hard worker” is mentioned, is your name the first one they think of? Are you always remembered positively because of your concern and care for others? What we do or say usually burns an impression in people’s mind of who they think we are, and what they think ...

Daily Devotion of Proverbs 21

Daily Nugget: “Every way of a man is right in his own eyes: but the LORD pondereth the hearts.” Proverbs 21:2 “All the ways of a man are clean in his own eyes; but the LORD weigheth the spirits.” Prov. 16:2 Every person believes they know what is best for them. They usually decide what they think is right and good. Much of the time, though, it is wrong in God’s eyes. Unfortunately, with that philosophy and thinking, what is sin and wrong in God’s eyes often becomes acceptable and right, especially in godless eyes. Many have not figured out that if they reject God’s ways that their ideas and actions often will fail. Proverbs 21 reveals some of the real consequences those refusing God’s ways and laws will face. The ungodly believe: That their lies often are justified by what they think they will gain. However, God will not bless ill-gotten gains, and they will find what they believe they accomplished will not last and may be a hindrance rather than useful. “The getting of tr...

Daily Devotion of Proverbs 20

Daily Nugget: This Proverb is jammed pack with tested advice and warnings. It starts by waving a “Danger” flag to a temptation that is the ruin of many. Unfortunately, the pitfall is not seen as something to be feared, and it is indulged in by many. Some Christians justify their partaking of alcohol and find that their lack of wisdom in doing so is the downfall of their walk for the Lord and damages their testimony. Much is said in the Bible about the dangers and effects that alcohol will have on one and his Christian testimony. Indulgence in alcohol is never recommended in God’s Word. Its use is usually negatively spoken about. Here are some reasons why a Christian should avoid alcoholic beverages: Alcohol is dangerous. Even wine is likened to a poison that will ruin one’s life! “Look not thou upon the wine when it is red, when it giveth his colour in the cup, when it moveth itself aright [fermenting]. 32 At the last it biteth like a serpent, and stingeth like an adder.” Pro....

Daily Devotion of Proverbs 19

Daily Nugget: “Chasten thy son while there is hope, and let not thy soul spare for his crying.” Proverbs 19:18 Taught in these Proverbs, and other chapters, are child-rearing advice that are often ignored today. God knows what is needed to keep children from being rebellious, uncontrollable, and disobedient. His way is not always a pat on the head, reward them for whatever they do, or being constantly positive to them. Sometimes to guide a child in the right direction, chastening is required. Webster’s 1828 American Dictionary of the English Language defines chastening as correcting a child by punishment. God knows the heart of men and children. He knows that children left to themselves without supervision and discipline will be unmanageable and will not make good family members, workers, and citizens. “The rod and reproof give wisdom: but a child left to himself bringeth his mother to shame.” Prov. 29:15 It is essential to train and discipline children. Their flesh is exactl...

Daily Devotion of Proverbs 18

Daily Nugget: Proverbs 18 brings to light behavior that is tolerated by most but is not accepted by God. His Word indicates that those types of conduct are foolish. We see here that foolishness: Is not wanting to understand all sides of a matter. The fool is more concerned about doing what feels right or seems the best thing for him to do. This sounds more like the desire today to do what is popular, rather than what is logical, moral, fact-related, or helpful. “A fool hath no delight in understanding, but that his heart may discover itself.” Proverbs 18:2 Are words that are often disliked and shameful. Sadly, the speaker may not even realize the derogatory impact his speech has on others. “A fool's lips enter into contention, and his mouth calleth for strokes.” Prov. 18:6 Often comes off one’s lips and ruins their character, respect, and testimony. Many times, it is not even realized that one’s worst enemy is one’s thoughts and words. “A fool's mouth is his destructi...

Daily Devotion of Proverbs 17

Daily Nugget: “Better is a dry morsel, and quietness therewith, than an house full of sacrifices with strife.” Proverbs 17:1 A friend of mine has a deep appreciation for the “quietness” spoken of in Proverbs 17:1. He is a very hard worker. No dust ever settles under his feet. His fellow workers will attest to that. There are times, however, he sits back and relaxes. He drinks in peace and calm and marvels at how it soothes him. He manages the right balance between work and having a quiet time. So many have never experienced or have long forgotten what it is like to have “peace.” They go, go, and go. Their day starts in haste, and it ends that way. The days are scheduled so that one event after another is planned and that there is no free-time. Meals, work, school, football games, movies, dance recitals, chores gobble up their time. There is no quietness for them to relax, “smell the roses,” and enjoy the life God gave them. Because of not having spare time, there are never mom...

Daily Devotion of Proverbs 16

Daily Nugget: “A man's heart deviseth his way: but the LORD directeth his steps.” Proverbs 16:9 In this treasure trove of God’s wisdom, Proverbs 16:9 gives some explanation as to why some of what is happening in our lives, and our experiences, are often not understood. The reason, especially for the child of God, may be God is directing one’s path in the direction He knows is best for them. We often have our plans and goals, but too often, they do not coincide with God’s will for our lives. Many times, we dream of being a doctor, nurse, pilot, police office, or what we are interested in doing, but never even consider what God has for us to do. No one knows us better than God, and he may know that the direction we desire for ourselves may hurt us and keep us far away from what is best for us. Each of us has unique abilities, and only God knows what they are and where they should best be exercised in this needy world. As a visually handicapped person may need more guidance...

Daily Devotion of Proverbs 15

Daily Nugget: God gave man the ability to speak. The purpose of speech is for His creation to communicate with others and to bring glory to Him. However, man’s sinful, self-centered nature does not always use one’s lips for the intended purpose. Here are some of God’s wisdom of what to do with the gift He gave us, as is revealed in this chapter: To squelch nasty arguments, lower your voice in heated discussions, and it will diffuse anger. “A soft answer turneth away wrath: but grievous words stir up anger.” Prov. 15:1 Purpose to present facts and not popular answers or opinions. “The heart of the righteous studieth to answer: but the mouth of the wicked poureth out evil things.” Proverbs 15:28 Be wise and not hurtful in what you say. Use truth to inform others and to help them, not just opinions and assumptions. “The tongue of the wise useth knowledge aright: but the mouth of fools poureth out foolishness.” Proverbs 15:2 Also: Prov. 15:7. “A wholesome tongue is a tree of life...